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As an FME Server user, when I update the default values for Published Parameters in workbench, I would like an easy solution to apply these changes to all the functions that use this workspace when I re-publish it to FME Server (functions would be defined as schedules and workspace subscribers here).

I suggest adding a refresh button on the main landing page for these functions, so that you can quickly easily choose what needs updating.

Currently in Schedules there is a Reset button per Schedule only, but in Subscribers the only option is to update the values manually.

Alternative suggestion here:

Started from discussion here:

Hey fmelizard, I just experienced something that made me upvote your idea. I recently republished a series of workspaces with edited parameters, some converted to private. I then realized that all schedules associated with these workspaces had to be updated as well since they still pointed to the old parameters (took me a while, I'm new to FME Server!). It was a tedious task where I manually went through 60 schedule configurations and simply hit OK so the new parameter settings would be recognized. Something that would've helped here would be to have some kind of indicator on the Schedules page that told me which schedules were "up to date" or "stale", something similar to caches on the Workbench UI for example. If the workspace associated with a schedule has had its parameters edited/removed, perhaps there could be something next to it that would indicate that I need to update it - not a check mark since that is used to indicate the enable status, but maybe something else. Just an idea, cheers.

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