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Is it possible to get all the items in all repositories with a single URL using the FME Server REST API? I understand how to get a list of repositories or the items in a single repository but not all items at once. The only option I can think of is to get the repositories and then loop through them one at a time to get the items. Hoping I'm missing a simpler solution.



H @aaron​ ,

There is no endpoint to fetch a list of all workspace items in Rest API V3. First retrieving a list of repositories and then fetching the items per repository is the recommended method to get the information you are after.


Our team are currently working on Rest API V4 and there is an enhancement request (FMESERVER-15349) to expose a call that returns all workspaces. I've linked this community post to the ticket and will update you should this be implemented in the new version.

Thanks for the confirmation, Holly. I went ahead and retrieved the list of repositories and then the items for each repository. That works fine.
