Thanks Safe
Thanks Safe
Very interested in what you're experiencing here. A few thoughts:
- Have you tried both the Azure (Microsoft Azure SQL Database [Non-]Spatial) and normal SQL Server (Microsoft SQL Server [Non-]Spatial) formats? What about the JDBC variants?
- For the non-Azure readers/writers, do you have "Encrypt Connection" on or off? Does it fail both ways?
- Are you using username/password authentication or Windows authentication?
- Is there anything interesting in the log?
Very interested in what you're experiencing here. A few thoughts:
- Have you tried both the Azure (Microsoft Azure SQL Database [Non-]Spatial) and normal SQL Server (Microsoft SQL Server [Non-]Spatial) formats? What about the JDBC variants?
- For the non-Azure readers/writers, do you have "Encrypt Connection" on or off? Does it fail both ways?
- Are you using username/password authentication or Windows authentication?
- Is there anything interesting in the log?
If you can't untangle this, one option is to reach out to our Experts team and perhaps demo for us online. I can usually join in for this kind of thing if requested.