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I have two tables. One is a large ODBC table in which I only want to extract the data when the modification date is greater than the last date of another table.

The SQL for what I want to achieve is simple ; SELECT * FROM table1

WHERE modwhen > (SELECT MAX(modwhen1) FROM table2);

Any help is appreciated.

Thank you,



A FeatureReader with a corresponding Where-clause would be able to accomplish this. An alternative would be to use the SQLExecutor.

What would be the syntax for the second table in the reader of table1? Table1 is an ODBC connection while table2 is a csv. ( 2 readers) . I am able to do it using the InlineQuerier with the following syntax SELECT l1.* from "lwLast" s1, "lwoffs" l1 WHERE l1.modwhen > s1.modwhen1, but I'd really like not to have to process the entire lwoffs table.
