For a job that has been working for years, it is now endlessly polling job status and returning awaiting worker. In Server, the last message you get is about the Socrata Write executing. In the desktop software you get more information and it reflects endless polling. Something has changed and I'm having trouble figuring out the cause. 2 of 24 of these (county specific) ran and the rest hung, and now even the two that ran initially will hang. It appears to be happening in the last step involving the Socrata Writer. This is the last log information, with the "Polling the job status: Awaiting worker" repeating endlessly. Other jobs that write to Socrata are still working. It isn't blanket failure on writing to Socrata. Any thoughts on cause or leads to investigate are welcome. Thanks
Socrata Writer: 0 features treated as points, 0 features coerced to point, 0 features with unsupported geometries written without geometry
Socrata Writer: Invoking Socrata DataSync with control file action 'Append'. Messages from the tool will be output below
Socrata Writer: Executing `""D:\Program Files\FME\jre\bin\java" -Xmx1g -jar "D:\Program Files\FME\plugins\socrata\datasync.jar" -ph true -sc "C:\Users\AACONR~1.SCH\AppData\Local\Temp\4\FME_1686308740400_540\control.json" -i 9xq5-z8s2 -c "C:\Users\AACONR~1.SCH\AppData\Local\Temp\4\FME_1686308740400_540\config.json" --userAgent "FME/2019.7.37.19608" -f "C:\Users\AACONR~1.SCH\AppData\Local\Temp\4\FME_1686308740400_540\TEMP.csv" 2>&1"'
Publishing TEMP.csv via delta-importer-2 over HTTP
Acquiring the previous signature or creating a null signature
Calculating the diff between the source file and previous signature
Chunking and posting the diff
Read 1024000 of 30500805 bytes of TEMP.csv
Uploading 3826941 bytes of the diff
Uploaded 3826941 bytes
Commiting the chunked diffs to apply the patch
Polling the job status: Awaiting worker
Polling the job status: Awaiting worker
We noticed in the details for the process wait chain that the hung jobs appear to be waiting on a thread, whereas others that work are not. It isn't much detail to go off of and we suspect it is just another view on the endless polling action.