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In a dgn I have some itemtypes (Data Inspector), see attachment. When I try to expose them by the exposer in FME I can't read this fields...they stay empty.

How can i read these fields? In the attachment my (start) workbench.


Thanks a lot!

Can you add a sample dgn so we can try to reproduce?

Can you add a sample dgn so we can try to reproduce?

Hi @nielsgerrits​ The dgn was already attached> FARS_TEST_2.dgn 🙂. Thanks a lot!

Hi @nielsgerrits​ The dgn was already attached> FARS_TEST_2.dgn 🙂. Thanks a lot!

I can't reproduce the inspector content like the printscreen you have with the file and workbench provided. What FME version?

@sprongandre​ I tried with 2020.2.1 as well but no luck. Can you reduce the number of features in the sample? Now I'm scanning through 1000's of features for clues.

@sprongandre​ I tried with 2020.2.1 as well but no luck. Can you reduce the number of features in the sample? Now I'm scanning through 1000's of features for clues.

@nielsgerrits​ somehow I can read them now (sometimes it's good to try it the other day again :-D), thanks for your trying!
