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Hi All


I have a workspace which I have shared in FME Server 2019. I would like to use this as a basic data entry form for end users, so have created published parameters for the attributes which need to be completed.

What I would like to do is pass through some attributes from another system (PowerBI), which I can use to dynamically set the URL for accessing the workspace.

In JobSubmitter mode this is fine, I can set the published parameters in the URL. But this doesn't fulfil the use case, because I want the user to add some additional detail to what is available to pass through from PowerBI. Hence I'd need to use an FME Server App.

My question is: can set the published parameter values on the App using query strings in the URL, like I can with JobSubmitter? If so, what is the correct syntax?



Thanks in advance...


Hi @rileym,



I don't believe this is possible - it would be an either or situation where the user will enter all of the exposed published parameters, or Power BI could use the URL to start the job (but then you lose the user input).



I don't know much about PowerBI - would it be possible to have the user enter some information then have the workspace communicate with PowerBI? It looks like they have an API but I don't know if it would give you the information you need.



Otherwise, this would be a good idea for some enhancements to FME Server Apps.

Hi @rileym,



I don't believe this is possible - it would be an either or situation where the user will enter all of the exposed published parameters, or Power BI could use the URL to start the job (but then you lose the user input).



I don't know much about PowerBI - would it be possible to have the user enter some information then have the workspace communicate with PowerBI? It looks like they have an API but I don't know if it would give you the information you need.



Otherwise, this would be a good idea for some enhancements to FME Server Apps.

Hi @jlutherthomas - apologies for the delay in getting back and thanking you for the reply - it's been a little manic!

Thanks for confirming what I suspected - will definitely submit this as an idea. In this use case it would have been ideal, but I can think of plenty of other ways we would use it.


