First thing to check is that none of the autocad_* format attributes are getting lost before they reach the writer.
Also, which exactly of the dwg readers/writers are you using? There are several, e.g. ACAD, REALDWG, etc.
First thing to check is that none of the autocad_* format attributes are getting lost before they reach the writer.
Also, which exactly of the dwg readers/writers are you using? There are several, e.g. ACAD, REALDWG, etc.
@david_r I am useding Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF for both writer & reader
which attributes should be selected? As you can see in the image, I am not only gaining my text but it seems I am losing the line style :/
I believe FME can't write Layer properties or linestyles. You might have more luck using the source file as template (define in Writer). FME then copies the template and inserts you geometry in it. I think you can just use the same file, in the writer settings set "Preserve Model Space Data" to "No".
In my experience working with CAD data there are often lots of extra steps that need to be taken to produce output that resembles the input. It's not a as simple as reading data, clipping and writing out again. DWGs are marginally better than DGNs in this respect. But getting the right output has been mostly trial and error so it's hard to advise exactly what to try.
If you expose all autocad attributes and view one of the cross hairs that's now labelled (153/154 etc.) can you see anything there that specifies visibility/labelling?
No, inspect them within FME with the DataInspector before writing
I believe FME can't write Layer properties or linestyles. You might have more luck using the source file as template (define in Writer). FME then copies the template and inserts you geometry in it. I think you can just use the same file, in the writer settings set "Preserve Model Space Data" to "No".
It helped for the text but the rotations of the textes have been changed @nielsgerrits
It helped for the text but the rotations of the textes have been changed @nielsgerrits
Do you have an attribute called autocad_original_rotation? There's something to do with the attribute autocad_rotation not actually setting the rotation in autocad