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Hi All, I originally asked this via the Support Chat. Whilst a case has been setup, it was suggested that I also reach out to the community (thanks @steveatsafe).


For a client we're setting up a dev FME Server install (and eventually test and prod). On the servers will be installs of desktop to do the publishing from. Each user that will do publishing will log on to the server using their own windows account.



To keep everything organised, we would like to have one set of connections and shared folders for custom transformers. Internally we have a setup script that runs and sets the appropriate registry keys for the user to the shared location (each user has their own laptop).



This way of setting the shared location will not work for our client as multiple users will have access to the server to publish workbenches. Our current scripts works on the user level and therefore would need to be run each time a new user access the server.

Is there a way to set the global defaults for the shared locations so that whenever a new user logs onto the machine, the location are set so they can access all the shared folders and connections?

With help from @steveatsafe we managed to find the solution to this. initially we would set these two registry values:

uHKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Safe Software Inc.\Feature Manipulation Engine]
"Shared Resource Directory"="\"<folder>""
"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Safe Software Inc.\Feature Manipulation Engine\Settings]"Named Connection Directory"="<folder>"

That would only apply to the current user, so when a new user logs into that machine, they would have the default FME settings.


If we insert those same values into


They now exist for all users. So the above code should now look like:

aHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Safe Software Inc.\Feature Manipulation Engine]
"Shared Resource Directory"="\"<folder>""
]HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Safe Software Inc.\Feature Manipulation Engine\Settings]
"Named Connection Directory"="<folder>"
