One way to do this is to use the NeighborFinder. Chop the property area's to points and find the two closest points to the centerline.
One way to do this is to use the NeighborFinder. Chop the property area's to points and find the two closest points to the centerline.
@nielsgerrits I tried neighbor finder But it did not help in this scenario. Because I need perpendicular property to the road centerline
@nielsgerrits I tried neighbor finder But it did not help in this scenario. Because I need perpendicular property to the road centerline
I think it works because the closest distance from the building to the centerline has to be perpendicular? Something like attached workspace? The only time it is not perpendicular is when the centerline is shorter than the building?
@nielsgerrits I tried neighbor finder But it did not help in this scenario. Because I need perpendicular property to the road centerline
Hi @nielsgerrits Thanks for the quick response and workspace. but my case is different, the surveyor goes to
each point(for ex: every mile interval) and checks what is the perpendicular property and how far it is from the road. neighbor finder catches the nearest property not the perpendicular one.
And I don't need distance for each property(need for interval points)
The attached image will give you a clarity
@nielsgerrits I tried neighbor finder But it did not help in this scenario. Because I need perpendicular property to the road centerline
I still think you should do it the other way around, using buildings as Bases and centerlines as Candidates.
But if you want to do it this way you can generate the interval you need using a densifier and a chopper. Then create perpendicular lines using the 2DVectorCalculator from the Hub. Then clip away the parts you do not need using the buildings and keep the parts touching the centerline.
@nielsgerrits I tried neighbor finder But it did not help in this scenario. Because I need perpendicular property to the road centerline
@nielsgerrits Thank You very much.
@nielsgerrits I tried neighbor finder But it did not help in this scenario. Because I need perpendicular property to the road centerline
@nielsgerrits Hey thanks for the neighbor finder method. But i am having some issue with feature merger transformer. Can you pls tell how it will work
@nielsgerrits I tried neighbor finder But it did not help in this scenario. Because I need perpendicular property to the road centerline
not able to merge road and building correctly
@nielsgerrits I tried neighbor finder But it did not help in this scenario. Because I need perpendicular property to the road centerline
@nielsgerrits Hey how to merge it if i have too many roads