Hi All,
I am sure I am missing something simple. I am setting up a workspace to read in FileGDB metadata and write that out to a spreadsheet. Seems fine but I would also like to work with the base 64 thumbnail. I can write that out to a cell but having problems making use of the thumbnail in this format. I tried using BinaryDecoder and RasterReplacer but generate an error below. Any thoughts? Many thanks.
Additionally....if there is a better way to work with the thumbnail in an ESRI File GDB please suggest. Thanks again!
I keep on plugging away at this. One thing that puzzles me is I can take the thumbnail base64 text from Binary.Thumbnail.Data and get a jpg from one of those online Base64 to jpg converters so the string from the xml metadata is valid it seems. Just cannot get a read on it in FME. Thoughts? Thanks!
BinaryDecoder (TextEncoderFactory): Invalid Base64 character '0'+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Feature Type: `XMLFlattener_3_OUTPUT'
Attribute(encoded: UTF-16LE): `Data' has value `/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEAYABgAAD/4RDoRXhpZgAATU0AKgAAAAgABAE7AAIAAAAKAAAISodpAAQA