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CityGML 2.0 Building to IFC 4

  • November 4, 2024
  • 0 replies

FME Hub user conterra just uploaded a new template to the FME Hub.

The 3D Solution Templates are a collection of FME Workspace Templates for the efficient processing of 3D data. They allow 3D experts to manage their 3D data and can be extended for specific use cases.

The template is based on the master's thesis by Christoph Frey (HTW Dresden). It was published as an article and can be found here.

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Workspace Description

This Template shows how to convert simple CityGML 2.0 buildings to IFC4. The buildings can either be modelled as a whole through the class IfcBuildingElementProxy or by its components through the classes IfcRoof, IfcWall and IfcSlab. The template contains placeholders to set native IFC standard attributes. Specific user attributes beyond the IFC standard are written by PropertySets and QuantitySets.

The result is furthermore georeferenced by the LoGeoRef20 (Level Of Georeferencing). This means that the Ifc model is placed by means of a point in WGS84.

Would you like to know more? Click here to find out more details!
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