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Running Workspaces with the connection parameters embedded on FME Flow

  • 14 May 2024
  • 2 replies

We are updating from FME 2022 to 2024. On our Staging-Server FME 2024 has already been installed.

I tried to run some of our Workspaces there, but they failed as the connection to the database could not be established.

I finally found out, that the problem was, that we are using embedded connection parameters and not database connections, if I use database connections, it works.

As we never used database connections, none of our workspaces will run on FME Flow 2024, unless we change to database connections. This means, we have to edit every workspace with a connection to a database, that’s a lot of work…!

Do we really have to do this and if so, is there an efficient way to do it?

2 replies

Userlevel 1
Badge +3

Hi @vki!

Unfortunately there is no quick way to change embedded connections to database connections. This has to be done manually. 

Regarding the embedded connections not working, are these just failing on FME Flow? Are you able to run these workspaces on FME Form without any issue? 



Badge +7

Hi @timatsafe 

Yes, on FME Form the workspaces still work with embedded database parameters. 

Thanks, Vera
