I use FME to get data from a database and have to write it to a text file with a fixed width. For example:
Streetname (24 characters) number (5 characters) City (24 characters) postal code (6 characters)
(+ like 25 more)
StreetA 00011 CITYAA 1111AB
StreetB 00021 CITYBA 1234AB
I have tried to use the format fuction in the attribute manager but only got the format back like : 10s24s5s6s
Input: @Format(24s,@Value(lokatie_straat))@Format(5s,@Value(lokatie_huisnummer))@Format(7s,@Value(lokatie_huisnummer_toevoeging))@Format(24s,@Value(lokatie_woonplaats))@Format(6s,@Value(lokatie_postcode))
How can I make a file with the above format? (I have no influence on the format used.)