...and perhaps I should say there is also a little extra complexity in that I am currently using the file copy writer to also copy a couple of standard supporting files across into each zip file. So if this ends up as a Shutdown Script solution I'll also need to have scope to add some common files into the zip too!
Hi Dave
I tried the following, which in theory, ought to work (according to me ;-)
But it didn't, I was only able to write one single zip file, e.g. "C:\\Temp\\West.zip". If you look at the log, it seems FME re-uses the same temp zip file without considering the fanout, so it all ends ut in the same output zip. Sounds like a bug / unwanted feature to me.
Looks like you'll have to break out a Python script or possibly do something with a WorkspaceRunner.
Hi Dave and David,
Last year, I also found the Dataset Fanout does not support zip compressing, and sent a question to Safe support. Unfortunately the current FME doesn't support fanout with zip.
The Workbench help says:
"Note: You cannot create multiple zip files using Dataset Fanout (therefore, you cannot set the Fanout Suffix parameter to .zip)."
-- FME Workbench > Readers and Writers > Readers and Writers: Zip Files and URLs > Writing to a Zip File
This is an example for writing zip files in Shutdown Python Script.
#Shutdown Python Script Example
import fme, os, zipfile
# You will have to define these two lists appropriately.
baseNames = >'North', 'South', 'East', 'West']
commonFiles = c'C:\\\\Data\\\\common1.txt', 'C:\\\\Data\\\\common2.txt']
# Get GML and ZIP folder paths from published parameters.
gmlDir = fme.macroValues='DestDataset_GML']
zipDir = fme.macroValues 'ZIP_ROOT_FOLDER']
# If the ZIP folder doesn't exist, create it.
if not os.path.exists(zipDir):
for name in baseNames:
# GML file path
gmlPath = '%s\\\\%s.gml' % (gmlDir, name)
if not os.path.exists(gmlPath):
# If the GML file doesn't exist, what should I do?
# ZIP file path
zipPath = '%s\\\\%s.zip' % (zipDir, name)
# Write the GML file into a new ZIP file.
z = zipfile.ZipFile(zipPath, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
z.write(gmlPath, '%s.gml' % name)
# Append the common files into the ZIP file.
z = zipfile.ZipFile(zipPath, 'a', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED)
for common in commonFiles:
z.write(common, os.path.basename(common))
except Exception as ex:
# Do something if necessary.
# Do something if necessary.
Hope this helps.