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I have our own FME plugin which works fine on FME 2016 and 2017.

On FME 2017 I see "Where Clause" and "Select statement" added to Parameters tab of Feature type dialog (dbl click on Reader). See the pict below:

Question: do you know what changes / additions shall I make to my plugin .fmf file (or any other file(s)) to enable these "Where Clause" and "Select statement" settings for my custom plugin as well?

I checked "oracle_spatial.fmf" but do not see what exactly code causes Oracle Spatial plugin to enable these two settings.


Hi @egorbaykovnn,


For efficiency, if you wouldn't mind identifying the places you wish to add support with screenshots of other r/w plugins that do what you want. We could explain in more detail how to add that functionality.

See screenshot pict.png attached. Trying to add ability to custom plugin to all SELECT and WHERE options under "table" parameters section for "FeatureType".


Please see the attached screen shot ( that shows the "table" parameters section of the FeautureReader. Here is another screen shot for a POSTGIS FeatureReader options.

Hi @raw925,


Those parameters go on 'DEF' lines, and there are 3 sections:


1. Add these to the "DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE" in the metafile.


2. Add these to the "WORKBENCH-DEFLINE_PARAMS" section in the metafile.


3. Add code to your plugin to parse the DEF lines.



Once you have those parameters, your plug in would have to make the correct database call to handle them(you mentioned Oracle Spatial).



As a heads up, it is common for database parameters among others, to require encoding any parameters that may include special characters like quotes.



I hope that helps!



See screenshot pict.png attached. Trying to add ability to custom plugin to all SELECT and WHERE options under "table" parameters section for "FeatureType".

Hi @raw925,


Those parameters go on 'DEF' lines, and there are 3 sections:


1. Add these to the "DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE" in the metafile.


2. Add these to the "WORKBENCH-DEFLINE_PARAMS" section in the metafile.


3. Add code to your plugin to parse the DEF lines.



Once you have those parameters, your plug in would have to make the correct database call to handle them(you mentioned Oracle Spatial).



As a heads up, it is common for database parameters among others, to require encoding any parameters that may include special characters like quotes.



I hope that helps!


Hi @trentatsafe,

thanks a lot. Really great help!

I'm able to define these parameters in metafile and see them on UI.

I also see the parameters and values in resulted mapping file which is generated for translation.

So #1 and #2 done.

But for #3 I'm not sure what the best way to parse the def line?

I see the parameters are present in mapping file in the following format:

"CTGENIE_1_DEF CT_CO select_sql select_statement_text where_clause where_clause_text ACAD_ANGLE number(38,14) ACAD_BLOCK varchar2(255) ACAD_COLOR number(38,0) etc <a lot of data in one line>"

I could parse this line - i.e. find "select_sql" which is param name - if it is found - it means the next word will be the value. If param is not found - user didn't specify any values.


Is it the right way how to parse it or may be there is better one?


Hi @trentatsafe,

thanks a lot. Really great help!

I'm able to define these parameters in metafile and see them on UI.

I also see the parameters and values in resulted mapping file which is generated for translation.

So #1 and #2 done.

But for #3 I'm not sure what the best way to parse the def line?

I see the parameters are present in mapping file in the following format:

"CTGENIE_1_DEF CT_CO select_sql select_statement_text where_clause where_clause_text ACAD_ANGLE number(38,14) ACAD_BLOCK varchar2(255) ACAD_COLOR number(38,0) etc <a lot of data in one line>"

I could parse this line - i.e. find "select_sql" which is param name - if it is found - it means the next word will be the value. If param is not found - user didn't specify any values.


Is it the right way how to parse it or may be there is better one?


Hi @egorbaykovnn


I will reply in earnest tomorrow morning when I get into the office. Here is an article that may provide you with the answer you are searching for:



I'll verify tomorrow morning the exact method of parsing. Which language are you using? C++, Python or Java?


Hi @egorbaykovnn


I will reply in earnest tomorrow morning when I get into the office. Here is an article that may provide you with the answer you are searching for:



I'll verify tomorrow morning the exact method of parsing. Which language are you using? C++, Python or Java?



Thanks @trentatsafe!


I'm using C++; but you can provide the info based on any language you'd prefer.



Hello @egorbaykovnn,


Here are the steps for the parsing of information, in C++ format/documentation.



1. Make sure the GUI type used on the DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE and WORKBENCH_DEFLINE_PARMS are "encoded".



An example using the Oracle Spatial format, which can be found in the "oracle_spatialDefSource.fmi" file is:



For the DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE section:




puts { oracle_geom_column \\"\\" \\ }; \\


puts { oracle_sql_encoded \\"\\" \\ }; \\


puts { oracle_where_clause_encoded \\"\\" \\ }; \\






"GUI OPTIONAL WHOLE_LINE TEXT_EDIT_SQL_CFG oracle_where_clause_encoded MODE,WHERE WHERE Clause" "" \\



2. For the actual parsing of the DEF lines, break by spaces as you stated.


This would look like:




feature type name








attr name


attr value





Once the value has been pulled out, you will need to decode it.


The documentation for decoding can be found in the following folder located in your FME install location.





The function would be one of the following:


virtual void decodeFromFMEParsableText ()=0


virtual void decodeUtf8FromFMEParsableText ()=0

Hello @egorbaykovnn,


Here are the steps for the parsing of information, in C++ format/documentation.



1. Make sure the GUI type used on the DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE and WORKBENCH_DEFLINE_PARMS are "encoded".



An example using the Oracle Spatial format, which can be found in the "oracle_spatialDefSource.fmi" file is:



For the DEF_LINE_TEMPLATE section:




puts { oracle_geom_column \\"\\" \\ }; \\


puts { oracle_sql_encoded \\"\\" \\ }; \\


puts { oracle_where_clause_encoded \\"\\" \\ }; \\






"GUI OPTIONAL WHOLE_LINE TEXT_EDIT_SQL_CFG oracle_where_clause_encoded MODE,WHERE WHERE Clause" "" \\



2. For the actual parsing of the DEF lines, break by spaces as you stated.


This would look like:




feature type name








attr name


attr value





Once the value has been pulled out, you will need to decode it.


The documentation for decoding can be found in the following folder located in your FME install location.





The function would be one of the following:


virtual void decodeFromFMEParsableText ()=0


virtual void decodeUtf8FromFMEParsableText ()=0

Thanks a lot @trentatsafe!


decodeFromFMEParsableText() works just fine!


You saved tons of my time; really appreciate!


Have a nice weekend...




one more question please;

I've completed Reader - it works as expected now.

The next question is about FeatureReader Transformer - please see the attached pict (featureReader.png).

My problem - although I have "Where Clause" available for Reader (FeatureType) - I still have "WHERE clause" dimmed on FeatureReader.

Do you have any ideas how to make "WHERE clause" available on FeatureReader?



one more question please;

I've completed Reader - it works as expected now.

The next question is about FeatureReader Transformer - please see the attached pict (featureReader.png).

My problem - although I have "Where Clause" available for Reader (FeatureType) - I still have "WHERE clause" dimmed on FeatureReader.

Do you have any ideas how to make "WHERE clause" available on FeatureReader?


Hello @egorbaykovnn,


I will confirm when I get back into office on Tuesday. I believe this is due to the format you selected. I don't believe the Shapefile format supports the WHERE clause. If you try with another format, you should see the WHERE clause light up(Oracle Spatial for example).



I did a quick test, and Shapefile WHERE clause is not accessible to me.



I hope that helps.


Hello @egorbaykovnn,


I will confirm when I get back into office on Tuesday. I believe this is due to the format you selected. I don't believe the Shapefile format supports the WHERE clause. If you try with another format, you should see the WHERE clause light up(Oracle Spatial for example).



I did a quick test, and Shapefile WHERE clause is not accessible to me.



I hope that helps.




let me please clarify one think:


we have our own FME Plugin which is not Shape file based.


The pict I attached is just for the reference - to show how Dimmed Where Clause looks like and where it is located.


Our custom FME plugin is Oracle based and Where clause in FeatureReader Transformer is applicable to our plugin logic.


I see Oracle Spatial Feature Reader Transformer has that Where clause available.


So I assume it shall be some setting which tells FME when it is necessary to dim that Where Clause out on FeatureReader Transformer and when not.


Will very appreciate if you let me know which setting manages this logic





Hello @egorbaykovnn

The FeatureReader GUI will enable the WHERE clause based on the results of the following. If the properties returned by the getProperties call for 'fme_all_features' contains 'fme_where'. As part of that contract, the reader should support fme_where for setConstraints.


So in short, I believe setContraints() and getProperties() are what will return the 'fme_where' within the 'fme_all_features'.



I hope that helps.

Hello @egorbaykovnn

The FeatureReader GUI will enable the WHERE clause based on the results of the following. If the properties returned by the getProperties call for 'fme_all_features' contains 'fme_where'. As part of that contract, the reader should support fme_where for setConstraints.


So in short, I believe setContraints() and getProperties() are what will return the 'fme_where' within the 'fme_all_features'.



I hope that helps.
It works, @trentatsafe,


thanks a lot!
It works, @trentatsafe,


thanks a lot!


need you help again please for this topic.


FME_Boolean MyReader::getProperties(const char* propertyCategory, IFMEStringArray& values) {
    return FME_TRUE;
works ok and Where clause is enabled on FeatureReader transformer.


But when I started testing that Where clause with some real values I got the following error:


"UniversalReader: Unable to emulate search type 'fme_all_features' because fme_where is requested"



If I remove "values.append("fme_where");" from code - where clause gets disabled on UI



If I remove "values.append("fme_all_features");" - another error occurs: "Error - reader does not support search type 'fme_all_features' via setConstraints()"



I believe I shall set both "fme_all_features" and "fme_where" in getProperties.


But do not know how to fix that UnversalReader error; so I'm stuck with that and will very appreciate if any ideas how to proceed further.


Thank you!


Hello @egorbaykovnn



I think your call may be slightly off. The code below is approximately how our readers perform the getproperties call. If you take a look at the api documentation located in the following folder: fme\pluginbuilder\cpp\apidoc\index.html . This will demonstrate how to perform the approximate call. In your case, I believe performing the kFMERead_AllFeatures will achieve the correct results. A short example is listed below. I have edited it to match your definition up above. I hope that helps. Please let me know if it works or not.
FME_Boolean MyReader::getProperties(const char* propertyCategory, IFMEStringArray& values) {

// fme_search_type = fme_all_features
if (strcmp(propertyCategory, kFMERead_AllFeatures) == 0 ||
strcmp(propertyCategory, kFME_ReaderPropAll) == 0)
foundPropertyCategory = FME_TRUE;

return foundPropertyCategory;

Hello @egorbaykovnn



I think your call may be slightly off. The code below is approximately how our readers perform the getproperties call. If you take a look at the api documentation located in the following folder: fme\pluginbuilder\cpp\apidoc\index.html . This will demonstrate how to perform the approximate call. In your case, I believe performing the kFMERead_AllFeatures will achieve the correct results. A short example is listed below. I have edited it to match your definition up above. I hope that helps. Please let me know if it works or not.
FME_Boolean MyReader::getProperties(const char* propertyCategory, IFMEStringArray& values) {

// fme_search_type = fme_all_features
if (strcmp(propertyCategory, kFMERead_AllFeatures) == 0 ||
strcmp(propertyCategory, kFME_ReaderPropAll) == 0)
foundPropertyCategory = FME_TRUE;

return foundPropertyCategory;

@trentatsafe, it works for me!


Thanks a lot!


