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I want to map the version last updated date from the metadata to a new field in the feature class.



When you save a feature class as an ESRI layer file it also creates an xml file in the same location.



Previously I would locate the feature class as a layer file saved in my local directory then read in the XML file using an XML reader, flatten the metadata and set the elements to match to 'metadata'



Then I can easily locate the attribute that contains the version date etc - and map this right over to a new field in a feature class.



But now where I have feature classes in SDE not saved as layer files I was wondering if there was any way of following this same process? How do I read that XML and after reading it, how would I carry out the xml flattening and elements to match when it is not using an XML reader?







have you seen the parameter "FEATURE_READ_MODE" of the SDE Geodatabase Reader? You can set it to METADATA (default is Feature).



Kind regards


Hi Uta,



Can you be a little more specific?



After i use a SDE geodatabase reader and set the feature read mode to metadata. How do i pull out specific metadata from that feature class?




Is there a way to get xml metadata from an enterprise SDE?
