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I have some LandXML files containing points (CgPoints) and lines (PlanFeature) with some attributes. As per the LandXML schema, the <CgPoints> are defined with the coordinate geometry as a <CgPoint>, and the attribute information as <Feature> with properties:

    <CgPoint name="TRAU201" code="" oID="TRAU201">1256922.890706 84309.502725 165.818283</CgPoint>
    <Feature code="Gemini attributes">
      <Property label="S_OBJID" value="TRAU201"/>
      <Property label="S_FIELDCODE" value="41050"/>

What I am struggling with is to read the Feature information. The LandXML reader gives me an option read both CgPoints and CgPoint, but not Feature. CgPoint will give me the name, code and oID above, but my Feature attributes are not there... I need to extract the "S_FIELDCODE" value along with the geometry, but how?

Hi @havmoejbv,

Would you mind sending me a sample of the LandXML data, so I can create an enhancement request for our development team, and perhaps figure out a workaround for you? If you don't want to make the data public, you can email to me directly: .

Example data attached:

Hi @havmoejbv,

Would you mind sending me a sample of the LandXML data, so I can create an enhancement request for our development team, and perhaps figure out a workaround for you? If you don't want to make the data public, you can email to me directly: .

I noticed from the LandXML reader/writer documentation that <Feature> isn't on the list of supported element types, but as <CgPoint> is, I had hoped that ment I could get the attribute information out in some way.

Hi @havmoejbv,

I have created an enhancement request to add support for the <Feature> information to the LandXML reader, and will notify you if and when this has been implemented.

In the meantime, I am attaching a workspace that uses a combination of the LandXML and XML readers to extract the Feature info and merge it onto the LandXML features.


Hi @havmoejbv,

I have created an enhancement request to add support for the <Feature> information to the LandXML reader, and will notify you if and when this has been implemented.

In the meantime, I am attaching a workspace that uses a combination of the LandXML and XML readers to extract the Feature info and merge it onto the LandXML features.


Oh, nice! I figured it might be possible to do something with the XML reader, but I struggled with seeing just how. Guess I need to brush up on XML handling...

There is one question remaining from this: While the workspace manages to extract the <Feature> properties, I can't access them in e.g. AttributeManager, and they are not exported when writing to e.g. a geodatabase. They are listed in the Feature Information in inspector, but not in the Visual Preview table:

Also, not in an exported dataset:

In this export, the Cgpoint.oID is also missing. I figured the point in the field name could be an issue so I renamed it before exporting, but no dice. This is not a huge problem, as the value is identical to OID, but I wonder why it happens...

Oh, nice! I figured it might be possible to do something with the XML reader, but I struggled with seeing just how. Guess I need to brush up on XML handling...

There is one question remaining from this: While the workspace manages to extract the <Feature> properties, I can't access them in e.g. AttributeManager, and they are not exported when writing to e.g. a geodatabase. They are listed in the Feature Information in inspector, but not in the Visual Preview table:

Also, not in an exported dataset:

In this export, the Cgpoint.oID is also missing. I figured the point in the field name could be an issue so I renamed it before exporting, but no dice. This is not a huge problem, as the value is identical to OID, but I wonder why it happens...

Hi @havmoejbv,

Any attributes that appear in the Feature Information window, but not in Visual Preview table can be exposed to the workspace using the AttributeExposer transformer. This is needed sometimes when the name of the attribute is derived from the content of the input file rather than its schema.

Hi @havmoejbv,

I have created an enhancement request to add support for the <Feature> information to the LandXML reader, and will notify you if and when this has been implemented.

In the meantime, I am attaching a workspace that uses a combination of the LandXML and XML readers to extract the Feature info and merge it onto the LandXML features.


You can attach the Read_LandXML_FeatureInfo.fmw again, please.

You can attach the Read_LandXML_FeatureInfo.fmw again, please.

Hi @muzhnasto​ I've fixed the download link in the original answer as well as attached it here. Thanks for reporting the missing file.
