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Problem with postgis gemetry when using FME 2016



I have used FME 2015 to transfer data from shape, mapinfo file, etc. to postgis and everything was correct.. Now with FME 2016 nothing is correct.. In Postgis I get the type of geometry (geom (geometry)).. But i want to have it like before geom (point), or geom (Linestring), etc. Is-that possible?


5 replies

  • Contributor
  • May 19, 2016

Hi @miladahmad, any type geometry can be stored in a 'geometry' type field in a PostGIS database table. I've never seen either 'geom(point)' or 'geom(Linestring)' in use of PostGIS. Where did you see those representations?

  • Author
  • May 23, 2016
takashi wrote:

Hi @miladahmad, any type geometry can be stored in a 'geometry' type field in a PostGIS database table. I've never seen either 'geom(point)' or 'geom(Linestring)' in use of PostGIS. Where did you see those representations?

I will post an image later. Before when I did the transfer for point (from shape for example) using fme I got geom type point in postgis and now I got geom type geometry in postgis. it is not written point or linestring, etc... So I do not know if the problem in fme or in postgis 2.2..

  • Author
  • May 24, 2016

in the image we can see what I mean

  • Contributor
  • May 24, 2016
miladahmad wrote:

in the image we can see what I mean

Hi @miladahmad, I cannot see that the 'Geometry' parameter is enabled in both FME 2015.0 build 15253 and FME 2015.1.3.2 build 15575...

Anyway PostGIS doesn't distinguish individual geometry types as a column data type. All type geometries can be stored in the 'geometry' type column. Do you have any specific problem caused by disabling the 'Geometry' parameter?

  • Author
  • June 8, 2016

Sorry to be late.. I found why it is not enabled. Because the setting called "Create Generic Spatial Columns" is checked then the result is geometry in postgis.. If it is not enabled then we can choose the type of geometry in FME (feature type properties .. general ..).


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