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PointcloudXYZ writer precision

  • December 12, 2022
  • 1 reply



With help from this community I was able to round the x,y,z coordinates of a pointcloud (see->Rounding IFMEPointCloud XYZ components) and it seems to work when I click on individual points they have 3 digital numbers (=precision). However, when I write them with the Pointcloudxyz writer to a .xyz file the precision is not correct. This topic has been discussed here: Is there already a solution in place ?


I also tried the pointcloudtopointcoercer-> coordinate extractor -> csv writer but the first transformer is already taking a long time to run so it would not be an efficient solution.


Thank you!

1 reply

  • Safer
  • December 16, 2022

Currently in FME I believe the PointCloudToPointCoercer method would be the only solution to get the exact precision you are looking for. (I go into more detail in this post) I realize that this would not work for a large point cloud, but unfortunately currently FME does not offer a specific tool to do this with point clouds. For anyone interested in this functionality, please vote on the idea for the developers to include this in a future release.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


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