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To connect one collection to my mongodb database (20 collections) it takes 13 min.

When i try with another database (4 collection) this is faster (10 seconds).

Have you got an idea to accelerate time connexion ?


Best regards

Hi @pg.souque,

Thanks for reporting this issue! This is an issue that our development team has identified and we've filed a ticket (internal tracking #: FMEENGINE-62331) for the team to resolve the issue.

Apologies that you've encountered this, we'll be sure to update you here when it is fixed.

- Andrea

Hi @pg.souque,

Thanks for reporting this issue! This is an issue that our development team has identified and we've filed a ticket (internal tracking #: FMEENGINE-62331) for the team to resolve the issue.

Apologies that you've encountered this, we'll be sure to update you here when it is fixed.

- Andrea


Have you solve this problem ?



Have you solve this problem ?


Hi @pg.souque,

Unfortunately, this issue has not been resolved. It is not currently on the development roadmap at this time but I have asked the team to re-evaluate.


This question has been linked to the development ticket, so we'll be sure to update you when it is resolved.

- Andrea

Hi @pg.souque,

Thanks for reporting this issue! This is an issue that our development team has identified and we've filed a ticket (internal tracking #: FMEENGINE-62331) for the team to resolve the issue.

Apologies that you've encountered this, we'll be sure to update you here when it is fixed.

- Andrea

Thank you for your response.

It's really too bad that the mongodb readers/writers are so undeveloped, especially regarding the possibility of updating without deleting/rewriting the whole collection.
