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I'm getting the following message:



CSV Reader: Invalid schema directive value 'number<comma>15<comma>0<comma>number<comma>4<comma>...The expected syntax is SCHEMA <typename1>,<width1>,<precision1>,...<typenameN>,<widthN>,<precisionN>.  Using schema scanner instead



As you can see, no typenames are being furnished.  This happens reading a pipe- or tab-delimited CSV file.  User Attributes are parsed and assigned correctly when opening the reader properties, so I don't understand the error.



Also why all the <comma> indicators instead of a literal ','?



Later on, I'm getting many attribute could not be written errors associated with certain attributes. The containing feature has been dropped...outputs, writing to a file geodatabase as a dynamic writer.



Where can I go from here and/or what am I doing wrong with my simple csv -> file geodatabase translation?
Did you change delimiter to TAB when u added the csv reader? (comma is standard setting) I can't imagine you did'nt, but have to ask.



comma is just the reporting (try reading a fme report on a tcl



If i choose tab as separator and the csv is acutally tab separated, everything works fine.

