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I used to convert to/from Norwegian standard format SOSI, but since my latest FME update SOSI seems to have disappeared, I'm left with SOSI/GML which (I think) is not the format I need. What has happened here?

What was the previous version of FME? are you able to share a sample of your sosi file? It's hard to say but after a quick google search it looks like the SOSI format is GML based (or at least it has a GML version).

Thanks for responding!

I know for sure I used FME Workbench 2020.1.1 for converting to or from SOSI files like the one attached. SOSI GML is the "new and coming" Norwegian standard format for data exchange, but it is not the same as SOSI. Mapping authorities have been exporting both to SOSI and to GML for a while now, but we have loads of older SOSI material that needs converting, and also applications that read only SOSI, not (as far as I understand) SOSI GML.

Thanks for responding!

I know for sure I used FME Workbench 2020.1.1 for converting to or from SOSI files like the one attached. SOSI GML is the "new and coming" Norwegian standard format for data exchange, but it is not the same as SOSI. Mapping authorities have been exporting both to SOSI and to GML for a while now, but we have loads of older SOSI material that needs converting, and also applications that read only SOSI, not (as far as I understand) SOSI GML.

OK well strangely in my FME 2020.0.2 I only see the SOSI GML reader - Could it be that this is just able to read both types of SOSI files? Have you tried it yet in 2021?


I've tried to read SOSI files with the SOSI GML reader, and it does not work - failed immediately "...invalid document structure..." "Failed to obtain any schemas..."


Also, my task this time is to convert from a geodatabase to SOSI, and there are no mechanisms available for this. FME offers only the SOSI GML writer. What comes out of it is certainly not a valid SOSI.


There is a folder in \\Program Files\\FME\\xml\\schemas\\SOSI which contain xsd-files, but nothing (as far as I can see) relevant to the "old" SOSI format.

@ykf_ntnu​ I think the SOSI reader you are looking for is a plugin from Norkart. If you've read SOSI before, it's probably just a matter of finding the plugin installer, or talking to Norkart to obtain a new installer.

@ykf_ntnu​ I think the SOSI reader you are looking for is a plugin from Norkart. If you've read SOSI before, it's probably just a matter of finding the plugin installer, or talking to Norkart to obtain a new installer.

Thank you for the info - I will check it out with Norkart.
