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I need to control the projection associed to a dwg in fme 2018. I have tried to read the autocad_entity : autocad_info in the autocad layer 0 of a Autodesk AutoCAD DWG/DXF reader with the [read drawing system variable to read] checked but it seems to have nothing provide in any of de field.

Is anyone know how to get this information?

Thanks by advance

Hi @j.dumontolivier​,

When you select a feature of your autocad file in the Data Inspector (or Visual Previewer) and check the Feature Information Window, do you see a coordinate system already set? Turning on a background map such as Stamen -Terrain may also help you check if your file is properly located. On reading the source data, FME will look for any companion external .prj files in the same folder as your source data, or WKT inside the file if it has any Esri projection information. There's a bit more information here in: AutoCAD Coordinate System Information.


Otherwise, if no coordinate system information is being read in, but you know what the coordinate system should be, you can go ahead and set it in the reader parameters. Note that this will override an existing coordinate system if there is one already set, so check for warning messages in the translation log. Once you've got a source coordinate system set, you can use a Reprojector to control the reprojection.


There is no information in the field Coordinate System (Unknown) even if it seems to be correctly set in Autocad.


There is no information in the field Coordinate System (Unknown) even if it seems to be correctly set in Autocad.

@j.dumontolivier​, if you know the coordinate system it should be in, can you try setting that in the reader parameters?

unfortunatly i can't do that, i need to control the projection associed to the dwg even if it is diffrente from those objets coordinates.
