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I am after a method to define the vertical co-ordinate system of features being output, particularly after using the 3DForcer or Vertex Creator.

The data coming in doesn't already have the height datum defined, particularly as it is often from CSVs.



Hello @jecollins

I believe the CSMapReprojector may be the transformer that will solve your issue. Not only are you able to do a standard reprojection, but you are also able to set the vertical handling. The documentation for the CSMapReprojector can be found here:



Depending on the location of your data, you may also try the GridInQuestReproject(Ireland/UK data) or the GtransReprojector(Sweden data).

Some articles that may be beneficial to providing some more information can be found here:


I hope that helps.

I don't think FME has any concept of vertical datum as a dataset property. If you have ArcGIS you could define the coordinate system including the vertical CS in a shutdown script.

Hello @jecollins

I believe the CSMapReprojector may be the transformer that will solve your issue. Not only are you able to do a standard reprojection, but you are also able to set the vertical handling. The documentation for the CSMapReprojector can be found here:



Depending on the location of your data, you may also try the GridInQuestReproject(Ireland/UK data) or the GtransReprojector(Sweden data).

Some articles that may be beneficial to providing some more information can be found here:


I hope that helps.

Thanks for that, I'll take a closer look. I was hoping to avoid mucking around with conversion grids, particularly as in Australia we use a slightly funky datum for engineering. Thanks!



I don't think FME has any concept of vertical datum as a dataset property. If you have ArcGIS you could define the coordinate system including the vertical CS in a shutdown script.

Thanks Bruce, I've had a go at that and as soon as I fix the issue of it not playing nice with ArcPy I'll get back on how it works.



I don't think FME has any concept of vertical datum as a dataset property. If you have ArcGIS you could define the coordinate system including the vertical CS in a shutdown script.

This works perfectly, I had to unknot an issue with the python compatibility first but after that it works a treat. Thanks.


