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How to assign elevation variation from Lidar to shapefile / drap elevation on feature line.


Line (ShapeFile)


Lidar (.XYZ)



I would like to have Z on the shapefile but split featureline when i have a difference (like 5m on Z) or simply put a Begining Z or End Z. 


I would like to produce 3D feature and have the profile from this.
You could use ContourGenerator to create contours from the Lidar points.


Then LineOnLineOverlayer or Intersector wiht the Lines from your shapefile.



( you might need a GeometryValidator after and if you use an Intersector)
If u want to use a Begining and End Z you can use a AreaBuilder (before the intesector or LineOnlIne) and extract the bounds using a BoundsExctractor. 



If u want all contours to be built to areas, you can use a Hullaccumulator, extender and intersector.


