
How do I read ArcSDE GDB difference features when I have only the DEFAULT version and no child versions?

  • 29 October 2018
  • 1 reply

Badge +16

Hi, I'm trying to mine edits in a GDB with only a DEFAULT version. The ArcSDE GDB reader seems set up to compare differences between parent-child versions. I want to compare edits within the DEFAULT version only. I can do this using a DBMS reader and working with the A and D tables but it would be way easier to use the native reader, however setting the baseline and transaction versions both to DEFAULT returns no features ;-(. BTW the comparison business rule is between edit dates from editor tracking fields.

1 reply

Badge +6

Hello @bruceharold,

I believe this can be done by using the Historical Marker settings if your Geodatabase is set up for that. This will allow you to read the difference from your table(using the same version) but reading from two different Historical Markers(for example DEFAULT and Checkpoint_1). This does require Archiving be enabled on the Geodatabase table in question as well.



Some additional information concerning the Historical Markers can be found here:
