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Could I ask ,How could I look up in field names in Attribute A in oracle no spatial and extract the row of these field names that what am i looking for.

I would like to compare between Excel file as reader and oracle non spatial reader and if some field names in Attributes A is missing in excel file so I would like to extract the missing from oracle non spatial


And another case ,compare between excel file and oracle no spatial If It finds one field name in excel file is extra sure so I want to look also for this field Name in oracle and extract the row that include this field But I want to say ,excel file and oracle non spatial have one common attribute and the rest of attributes are totally different but I would like to search for this field name and extract the row that relates to this field and put new data in another sheet has the same attributes as oracle..

FME version 2018

A Tester or TestFilter to select the Excel features where that attribute is missing and then route those through a DatabaseJoiner where you join them with the corresponding records in Oracle.

A Tester or TestFilter to select the Excel features where that attribute is missing and then route those through a DatabaseJoiner where you join them with the corresponding records in Oracle.


If It finds one field name in excel file is extra sure with different condition in Tester so I want to look also for this field Name in oracle and extract the row that include this field But I want to say ,excel file and oracle non spatial have one common attribute and the rest of attributes are totally different but I would like to search and extract the row that relates to this field and put new data in another sheet has the same attributes as oracle so I will use also datajoiner or sth else thanks a lot for reply .

Using FeatureReader will output all Attribute Names and Data Types on the "Schema" Port in a List which can be exploded with ListExploder. There is similarly also the Schema Reader.

Comparing the Schema Features from the Excel Table to the Oracle Table can then just be compared with a FeatureJoiner by joining on Attribute Name. Unmatched Left and Unmatched Right will tell you where one table has a field attribute with a Name that does not exist in the other table.
