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Is it possible to create normal/highlighted KML icons with KML FeatureWriters instead of the standard KML Writer shown in the FME example Here:


I am exporting an entire SDE database to 6 different formats and used FeatureWriters to convert/insert a disclaimer into the zipped datasets.




Hi @dmerrick,



The highlighted KML icons are created using the KMLStyler transformer so I wouldn't expect the results to be any different when written out to a feature writer. Using the template provided I added all the connections to the same port and this worked as it should.


Hi @dmerrick,



The highlighted KML icons are created using the KMLStyler transformer so I wouldn't expect the results to be any different when written out to a feature writer. Using the template provided I added all the connections to the same port and this worked as it should.


Thanks for the response @hollyatsafe but the FeatureWriter KML does not pick up the attributes from the KML Style. Nor does putting the normal/highlighted KMLStyler inline to the FeatureWriter KML create the hover labelling, it layers to normal/highlighted icons on top of each other.


Hi @dmerrick,



The highlighted KML icons are created using the KMLStyler transformer so I wouldn't expect the results to be any different when written out to a feature writer. Using the template provided I added all the connections to the same port and this worked as it should.


Hi @dmerrick


I received an email with your comment but can't seem to see it so shall repeat below:



Thanks for the response @hollyatsafe but the FeatureWriter KML does not pick up the attributes from the KML Style. Nor does putting the normal/highlighted KMLStyler inline to the FeatureWriter KML create the hover labelling, it layers to normal/highlighted icons on top of each other.



I did not encounter either of these issues - which version of FME are you currently using?


In the Feature Writer under make sure the kml_target_style 's created are exposed under the Format Attributes Header (these were already checked automatically for me). I've included a screenshot of the set up below.


Hi @dmerrick


I received an email with your comment but can't seem to see it so shall repeat below:



Thanks for the response @hollyatsafe but the FeatureWriter KML does not pick up the attributes from the KML Style. Nor does putting the normal/highlighted KMLStyler inline to the FeatureWriter KML create the hover labelling, it layers to normal/highlighted icons on top of each other.



I did not encounter either of these issues - which version of FME are you currently using?


In the Feature Writer under make sure the kml_target_style 's created are exposed under the Format Attributes Header (these were already checked automatically for me). I've included a screenshot of the set up below.


Thanks @hollyatsafe, I had the KMLStyle's still going to the Style Writer and did not realize you could connect them directly to the FeatureWriter KML (or a previous transformer) and the attribute would get passed through.
