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Feature writer on FME Server

  • November 28, 2019
  • 3 replies


Hi, I've set up a workspace that utilizes a SKP feature writer and reader before writing to FBX using a reguler writer. This works perfectly well on desktop, but I'm having trouble adapting it for Server. The workspace stops all features at the feature writer with the log message "Features not written - verify feature type fanout/dynamic settings - (Check that fanout/dynamic feature type attribute exists and has a value)". I've tried many different settings in the writer, also using dynamic schema but nothing seems to work.

I've been searching for examples of use of feature writer on FME Server on this forum but have been unable to find any.

I would really appreciate some tips, in the meantime I guess I have to split up the workspace into several workspaces and run them with a workspacerunner...

3 replies


The FeatureWriter should work on Server too, can you share how you've set it up exactly?

Some things to look out for:

  • Is the path you are trying to write to actually accessible for FME Server?
  • And since the error message specifically mentions fanouts, are you using those and if so, is there a possibility that the attribute values used for those can have characters that the filesystem you're trying to write to doesn't like?

  • Contributor
  • November 28, 2019

You can use the TempPathNameCreator to write the "skp-file" and then read that again. I seem to have had a similar issue previously. I assume you are using the JobSubmitter service and not the DataDownload-service? @atle_hoidalen



This is a bit embarrasing but seems I was using a desktop version that was slightly newer then the server version and that is why the feature writer did not behave as expected. Downgraded desktop now and everything runs smoothly.

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