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How could i convert oracle spatial data and non spatial to csv and read it again then use fme_feature_type in excel writer .





parameter tha t i did but i found after reader ,missing data ithat i got

and also after writer a few of my data has been written in temp.csv


could someone explain me what should i do to convert from roacle to csv to excel writer

Thanks alot

Note that you have set your FeatureWriter to write out a Text file rather than a CSV file, I think that will make a big difference.

Note that you have set your FeatureWriter to write out a Text file rather than a CSV file, I think that will make a big difference.

what u mean,bcs format is text file .

so should i write temp.txt instead of temp.csv ,Right

what u mean,bcs format is text file .

so should i write temp.txt instead of temp.csv ,Right

No, you should set the format to CSV, then it will write out separate attributes.

No, you should set the format to CSV, then it will write out separate attributes.




I have now output of feature writer but when i use feature reader to read CSV ,i got nothing.

parameters as shown in pic.

i used also Accumulaton mode Merge initiator and result and i got also no output


Error in log file :

CSV reader: Failed to open file for reading. Please ensure that the file exists and you have sufficient privileges to read it.

the file is already existed ,iamsure about that.


idk what should i do ,i tried more than one hour but no success .could you help me .Thanks alot

FME version 2018



my target : i divided result to many table and i should to put the output in the same sheet lus create another sheet in excel file .so i thought ,i have to use String Concatenator then aggregator and re arrange order of table then all of them as input for csv writer then read it again .but iam not sure ,why feature reader is not be able to read ,the output of writer .but i got the output that i need after Feature writer so everything is fine tll this point .

could i ask ,is there another method except CSV could i use to rearrange tables in the same sheet and execute also different sheet.?

Why won't you convert Oracle tables directly to Excel sheets, without creating the temporary CSV?

Why won't you convert Oracle tables directly to Excel sheets, without creating the temporary CSV?

Thanks for replying

i divided my result to many tables and each table should be in the same sheet under each other ,i used attribute creator to create new sheets . and so on

so i used to use aggregator and combine my tables output in csv file then read it again .

so i can get my tables in same sheet that what i wanted to do but i have still problem in feature reader .

about to do it directly from oracle to excel file, i am not sure how to do that

The excel output should have different new sheets plus one sheet of them should include different tables in same sheet.could u suggest me ,how could i do that directly without csv file


For example, create features having attributes A, B, C and row_id (storing desired row number in the destination Excel sheet) in order to form two tables as shown below,

you can then write them into an Excel sheet directly with feature type parameters settings like this.

For example, create features having attributes A, B, C and row_id (storing desired row number in the destination Excel sheet) in order to form two tables as shown below,

you can then write them into an Excel sheet directly with feature type parameters settings like this.





i tried ur method ,it looks like great idea but i want to sure what i missed here .

i have two test filter so i will get four tables then i created table order for each one 1,2,3,4

i created as u said by attribute manager the amount of columns that i need plus row_id

when i checked on inspector ,i found the output has no distance between first table and second table iam not sure how can i create each table seperately .


about using row_id

if i will use row_id so i think ,i should using counter to fill it with values of no. of each row but how could excel sheet recognize which table is first which table is second and make seperately between each table


bcs that means ,the second table will start after last value of row_id

and third the same idea will start from last value in row_id and so on .

but if i use counter for each table it will start from the beginning or how could i fill the counter to start from last value plus two empty row in row_id


and i did the parameter of excel writer as u exlplained

but i got no excel file as output but i can check only at inspector how it looks like

it arranged but as one table


i got output when i select No ,NO but as empty file

could u advice me what should i do .Thanks alot




For example, create features having attributes A, B, C and row_id (storing desired row number in the destination Excel sheet) in order to form two tables as shown below,

you can then write them into an Excel sheet directly with feature type parameters settings like this.

If attribute "index" (sequential number) represents the original order of the source features and you define "order" of elements of the destination sheet like this for example,

OrderElement of Destination Sheet11Title of the 1st table12Header (field names row) of the 1st table13Body of the 1st table20Blank row before the 2nd table21Title of the 2nd table22Header (field names row) of the 2nd table23Body of the 2nd table


you can sort all the features by "order" and "index" in order to arrange the elements to form desired sheet.

Once you have sorted the features in the order, it's not necessary to set the Row Number Attribute in the writer feature type any longer.

See also the attached workspace example: write-two-tables-to-single-excel-sheet.fmwt (FME 2019.2.3.1)

If attribute "index" (sequential number) represents the original order of the source features and you define "order" of elements of the destination sheet like this for example,

OrderElement of Destination Sheet11Title of the 1st table12Header (field names row) of the 1st table13Body of the 1st table20Blank row before the 2nd table21Title of the 2nd table22Header (field names row) of the 2nd table23Body of the 2nd table


you can sort all the features by "order" and "index" in order to arrange the elements to form desired sheet.

Once you have sorted the features in the order, it's not necessary to set the Row Number Attribute in the writer feature type any longer.

See also the attached workspace example: write-two-tables-to-single-excel-sheet.fmwt (FME 2019.2.3.1)

please,could u tell me whch condition did u put for test filter .bcs test filter is missing in my workspace bcs i have version 2018 and it seems u r using higher version .

i want to ask about sth. :

i do not know ,how many rows will first table will have bcs it comes out of condition then i want to have space and start the second table and so on .so ur method will work whatever the amount of rows of each table i do not want to specify specific row t ostart the next table ,just when first table finish starts the next bcs input changes so rows will execute changes .


Thanks for help

For example, create features having attributes A, B, C and row_id (storing desired row number in the destination Excel sheet) in order to form two tables as shown below,

you can then write them into an Excel sheet directly with feature type parameters settings like this.

The TestFilter just separates the source features into two tables according to a condition. Please add a TestFilter to the workspace with any condition as your preference.

You don't need to know the number of rows. The Sorter sorts the features by the order of the value of "_order".

For example, create features having attributes A, B, C and row_id (storing desired row number in the destination Excel sheet) in order to form two tables as shown below,

you can then write them into an Excel sheet directly with feature type parameters settings like this.

For FME 2018.1

write-two-tables-to-single-excel-sheet-2018.fmwt (FME 2018.1.2.0)

I would recommend you to mention the version of FME you are using whenever posting a question.

For FME 2018.1

write-two-tables-to-single-excel-sheet-2018.fmwt (FME 2018.1.2.0)

I would recommend you to mention the version of FME you are using whenever posting a question.

Thanks alot,u helped me alot
