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I am trying to use Feature Reader to extract file properties like path_modified_date for a file store on http folder e.g


I am getting the following error.


"Opening the PATH Reader on folder Could not find folder"




Hi @sobanmughal,

I copy and paste your address in browser and a error was happened:

Is correct this link?



Hi @sobanmughal,

I copy and paste your address in browser and a error was happened:

Is correct this link?




the link supplied is not real and only given as an example. The real link is internal and is not shared.

Hi @sobanmughal, I don't think the PATH reader supports reading properties of the files saved in a Web server disk system. If you have privilege to access the directory with FTP protocol, you can create a Python script with the "ftplib" module to retrieve file properties in the directory. See here to learn about the module: ftplib -- FTP protocol client, Python Documentation
