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Hello everyone,


i think i got a simple task but i seem stuck on it



i have an excel workbook with 100 sheets, with every sheet i would like to create a table in MYSQL 


every table has different headers and amount of headers,


i can read every sheet as an "indivudual feature type" and connect/dis-connect the wires from the MariaDB writer and this works,


but when i use a merged feature type i only get one element,


i am fanning out by fme_feature_type to get the correct naming of the table 



any help on working with this would be great, thanks!
You maybe want to use dynamic schema on the writer.


Activate Dynamic properties and set schema sources and schema definition to feature_type_name (wich is default if u use it.) Together with fan_out on featuretype_name you should get what you want.



Should also work even if you use a merged reader on the excel. (as the featuretype_name holds the sheetname)


