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I have an input excel file that is the source some HTTP calls are made to fill in columns in the spreadsheet using a template file and a defined output file overwritten. It runs in workbench but fails when published with an error that I can't locate the function or () it is complaining about. I have searched the error log for the text in the error and can't find a parameter with out a ()?

Function `XLSXW_OUT_TEMPLATEFILE_XLSXW_1' must be called with any parameters enclosed in ( ), even if there are none


Some details are:

FME Server 2016.0.1.1 - Build 16177 - win32


Copyright (c) 1994 - 2016, Safe Software Inc.

Direct Url Example


Published Parameters


Parameter Name


Current Value

Default Value


Destination Microsoft Excel File:






Source Microsoft Excel File(s):






Template File:






Hi @fish1ric,

In FME Server file paths should be referenced using a UNC path rather than a mapped drive ( Please could you try referencing the file paths using a UNC path ensuring the account running the FME Server Services has permissions to read/write to these locations. I'm not sure that is the issue here but it is good to be aware of.

Users have encountered similar errors when there is a problem with the published parameter configuration, can you confirm if you right click >Edit Definition on the Template file parameter that none of the parameters are red?

Also is your FME Desktop the same build number as FME Server? I would like to try and repro the error but have not yet been able to - if you could also share your workspace and a sample dataset this would be helpful here.

Not sure if this is your issue, but I had some problems when writing to excel which were related to technical fme attributes.

In my case I used an AttributeKeeper to remove fme_db_operation from a feature which was send to both a database and excel. The issue was that techical fme attributes are getting unexposed, not removed, by an AttributeKeeper. So the excelwriter wanted to react on the fme_db_operation, saying it needed to delete a row, but had no source file.

These kind of issues are always hard to track down, so you might want to check this out.
