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I have a table in Excel as in Fig. how to arrayed all numbers in the second row?





Do you want all numbers to be in the second row or in Row2?



- In second row would be a value issue: u can use a unconditional merger.


- In Row2 would be an attribute issue: a attributecreator can do that.



in row2..i use attribute creator but nothing happend..



If u mean to collapse all values to Row2:



try this



"rij2" is Dutch for row2 btw.
I'm sorry, I thought like this



Is this an issue of renaming attributes? If so, I would use the BulkAttributeRenamer.


The BulkAttributeRenamer with this setting renames all "Row**" to "Row2".




Just be aware that "String" parameter must be a constant "Row2". It should not be an Attribute Value.





tnx for the help,  I dont have new FME, only FME 2012, and I tried it with a string replacer and does not work. have any oder idea?
How about scripting? For example, the TCLCaller with this script performs the processing similar to the BulkAttributeRenamer.




proc renameRows {} {


    foreach name FME_AttributeNames] {


        if { regexp {^Row.+$} $name]} {


            FME_RenameAttribute "Row2" $name











Enter the script into "Source Code" and type "renameRows" (name of the procedure) in "Tcl Expression" parameter.
woow, it works great..tnx
Maybe I misunderstood your question. You are trying to accumulate all rows into one row?


A possible way is:


1) Remove all empty attributes. I would use TCLCaller with this script.




proc removeEmptyAttributes {} {


    foreach name cFME_AttributeNames] {


        if { string compare [FME_GetAttribute $name] {}] == 0} {


            FME_UnsetAttributes $name










2) Accumulate all rows into one row using the AttributeAccumulator.



In FME 2014, the Excel reader (Read blank cells as: Missing) and the Aggregator (Mode: Attributes Only) do it.
Ah, the Excel reader in FME 2012 seems to read blank cells as missing attributes. So you don't need to remove them explicitly. Just apply the AttributeAccumulator.
