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I know I'm well behind the times but has the formatting of an output (writer) ESRIJSON changed since FME 2012? If i use FME 2102 to extract 1 polygon from an ArcSDE 10.1 database and write it to ESRIJSON, attempting to use the standard ESRI "JSON to Features" (ArcGIS 10.4) tool errors out with a :"ERROR 001558: Error parsing json file ......".


Is there a difference in output format since FME 2012?

Wow, that's old! It's what they call a "retired release", which means that it's officially not supported anymore...


Anyway, how are you writing out the JSON? With the ESRIJSON Writer?


Make sure that the feature has a spatial reference and that you're writing some attributes.


Also not too sure if multi-polygons (aggregate features in FME) are supported, so check that too.



Care to share the JSON it wrote?
