I am trying to transform an ESRI shapefile to a GML.
To generate the GML I use a template/schema (supplied by the recipient). Unfortunately the result does not look like the delivered example .
Because of this, the file will not be accepted.
How can this be corrected? I am fairly new to this so please try to keep it
Below is the template/schema
First of all the naming is incorrect, rws:Objecten is expected
but gml:FeatureCollection is generated.
Below that, I expect the xmlns extensions to be underneath
each other instead of in one line.
Also gml:id="GML-ID-0" should
be behind rws:Objecten
but it is somewhere else.
It also generates gml:boundedBy, this is not in the
source data.
gml:pointProperty is created instead of rws:puntObject.
Inside gml:pointProperty, naming and positioning is
Why is this happening and how can I generate a GML that looks exactly
like the example XML format?
If you need to see/test it for yourself, .
Thanks in advance.