On our server running FME Desktop 2021, we have both ArcGIS Pro 2.8 and ArcGIS Desktop 10.8.1 with background geoprocessing installed.
When trying to connect to our ESRI enterprise geodatabase with an SDE direct connect file to a branch versionned dataset (https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/latest/help/data/geodatabases/overview/overview-of-versioning-in-arcgis-pro.htm), I have the following error:
"This version of the Geodatabase client is incompatible with the dataset and cannot open it.
It could have failed to open because it contains ArcGIS Pro-only features, for example Arcade expressions. If this is the case, please install ArcGIS Pro or Pro-compatible ArcGIS Server and 64-bit FME".
So it does not recognize that ArcGIS Pro is also available in addition to ArcMap.
Is it an expected behavior ? Can I somehow tell FME to use the one of ArcGIS Pro ?
I would like to ideally keep both ArcMap and ArcGIS Pro as I still have many python script written with arcpy from ArcMap.
Thanks !