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I tried to create a FME Server App with drag and drop functionality. Seems "drag and drop" only works with text files and not e.g. shapefiles?

Did you try zipping the shape file first?

Did you try zipping the shape file first?

Hi David, Yes I did. (My answer above).

Hi @tobiasrydlinge,

What version/build of FME Server are you using? I have been unable to reproduce the issue described in the latest version or beta.

Hi @tobiasrydlinge,

What version/build of FME Server are you using? I have been unable to reproduce the issue described in the latest version or beta.

Hi @hollyatsafe, I´m using FME Server 2019.2 Build 19801 - win64.

Hi @hollyatsafe, I´m using FME Server 2019.2 Build 19801 - win64.

Hi @tobiasrydlinge

Hmm, I'm not quite sure what the problem is here, I have tested this build and do not encounter any issues.

  • When you created the Server App is the option 'User Can Upload' enabled?
  • If you click on the area and select a file from the Directory Explorer does that work successfully?
  • Can you ensure you are dropping the file within the 'Drop Files Here' dashed window.. if it is dropped anywhere else on the web page it will not work.

Hi @hollyatsafe, I´m using FME Server 2019.2 Build 19801 - win64.

Did you resolve this? I'm seeing the same thing. When I try to 'Click To Browse' and choose temporary upload, nothing happens when I click the 'Upload File' button.


I'm running FME Server 2020.0.1 Build 20218 - win64

Did you resolve this? I'm seeing the same thing. When I try to 'Click To Browse' and choose temporary upload, nothing happens when I click the 'Upload File' button.


I'm running FME Server 2020.0.1 Build 20218 - win64

Hi @allyreynolds,

  • If you are going via Temporary Uploads it sounds like you are going through the Run Workspace Page in the Web UI rather than a Server App, is that correct?
  • If you drag and drop the file instead does this work successfully?
  • Does this happen even with a Samples workspace such as the easyTranslator?
  • What Web browser are you using, if you try a different one does this work?


Hi @allyreynolds,

  • If you are going via Temporary Uploads it sounds like you are going through the Run Workspace Page in the Web UI rather than a Server App, is that correct?
  • If you drag and drop the file instead does this work successfully?
  • Does this happen even with a Samples workspace such as the easyTranslator?
  • What Web browser are you using, if you try a different one does this work?




I have tried both Run workspace and Server App.

When I drag and drop, nothing happens.

It does work with the easyTranslator (both upload button and drag and drop).

I am using Google Chrome, but same issue in Internet Explorer.






I have tried both Run workspace and Server App.

When I drag and drop, nothing happens.

It does work with the easyTranslator (both upload button and drag and drop).

I am using Google Chrome, but same issue in Internet Explorer.




Hi @allyreynolds,

Given that it works successfully with the Samples workspace are you able to share with us the fmw file that is giving you problems? If you would prefer not to post it on the open forum you can create a case with Safe Software Support here.

If you do this please include 'ATTN Holly' in the subject.

After working with @allyreynolds we discovered that the inability to use the temporary upload button or drag and drop functionality for published parameters with the type Filename is caused by a colon character in the published parameter name, removing this colon resolves the issue.

I have filed FMESERVER-14971 to request a fix for this.

@tobiasrydlinge, if you are still encountering an issue using drag and drop in Server Apps, please check if this is the cause.
