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  • 6 December 2012
  • 4 replies

I have several MicroStation V7 Files of contours and I would like to convert them to ESRI shape files. In the DGN files are lines, linestrings, polygons and text. I want to convert only the lines, linestrings and polygons that are on certain levels. Has anyone got a good solution?



After loading the files you can use a CoordinateExtractor to Extract the coordinates. And then use a Tester on _Z to sort out different height-curves you want to have. For instance _Z < 100 gives all features with value less than 100
Or do you mean DGN_Levels? If yes, then you need to look at the fme_feature_type attribute and decide which fme_features you want to read.
Hi Dennis,



if you want to set up a test for more than one elevation level, you can use the TestFilter after CoordinateExtractor. So you can extract more than one elevation level.



Best regards,


When you add your reader, you have the ability to read the featuretypes (Levels) as either Level Names or Level Numbers. If you don't spot that on the readers parameters it doesn't matter as you can use a Transformer straight after your input featuretype called the AttributeExposer that will allow you to expose the attributes 'igds_level_name' and 'igds_level'... you can then test for the values you want to keep or discard with any number of transformers like the TestFilter or the AttributeFilter... a subsequent GeometryFilter may also be sensible to use to ensure that the geometry types you need are the only ones you actually end up loading into your target.
