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I am creating a workbench where I will bring spatial object assets from an oracle database into a file geodatabase. I want to sort the assets into feature datasets as I go but I am confused as to how to go about this. I have only done a few FME workbenches so I don’t have a great deal of experience. So far, when I have been creating File Geodatabases, I add a Esri Geodatabase (Open API) writer and then the file geodatabase is created and any features I connect to that writer are added in. So its kind of a two for one where the file geodatabase is created plus my features are converted and added to it. 

How would I go about creating a feature dataset during this process? Is it possible with FME 2018 or does that come with newer versions. We will not be upgrading for several months and my co-op term will be over by that time. 

Thank you!

I found I was using the wrong writer, with the ESRI Geodatabase (Open API) feature dataset didn’t seem to be an option but using the ESRI Geodatabase (File Geodb) it is. 
