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copy one column each from 30 files into one

  • November 27, 2013
  • 8 replies

This should be simple.


I have 30 shapefiles of the same points (300) with one column which is the elevation taken from a DEM (ie 30 different DEMs queried with the same point theme). For analysis, I would like all 30 columns to be in one file (e.g. csv, dbf). tried my luck with featuremerger but with no success.


Thanks, Uwe

Best answer by takashi




The BulkAttributeRenamer and the FeatureMerger can do that.


This is a simplified example, has only 3 input tables.


  Assume input shape file names are "name1.shp", "name2.shp",...; each input table has attributes named "ID" and "elevation". 1) Add a SHP Reader to read all shape files with "Single Merged Feature Type" option, expose "fme_feature_type" (holding shp file name) on "Feature Type Properties" dialog box.


  2) Use the BulkAttributeRenamer to rename "elevation" to value of "fme_feature_type" (i.e. shp file name) with these settings.   Rename: Selected Attributes   Selected Attributes: elevation   Action: Regular Expression Replace   Test To Find: .+


  (dot and plus symbol. It means one or more any characters)   String: fme_feature_type


3) Split feature flow into "name1" features and others with the Tester.


4) Merge all features with the FeatureMerger.   Requestor to Supplier Join On: "ID" to "ID"   Process Duplicate Suppliers: Yes  <-- important!


5) Expose renamed attributes (name1, name2, ...) with the AttributeExposer.


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8 replies

  • Author
  • November 27, 2013
Forgot to mention:


Each shape file has a name that should then become the column heading in the new file.

  • Contributor
  • November 27, 2013



Do columns look like this? Source shape files: file name = name1.shp, name2.shp ... name30.shp | elevation |   Expected destination table: name* contains "elevation" from "name*.shp". | name1 |  name2 | name3 | ... | name30 | 



In the source tables, is there a common attribute which can be used for "Join On" of the FeatureMerger?




  • Author
  • November 28, 2013
Thanks Takashi,




each shape file contains in addition to the elevation attribute  the same point ID field to join on which should make it easy as it is a straight join except that in e.g. ArcMap one needs to do this one at a time and as the task is very likely to come up again and again, a neat FME solution would be great.



Many thanks, uwe

  • Contributor
  • Best Answer
  • November 28, 2013



The BulkAttributeRenamer and the FeatureMerger can do that.


This is a simplified example, has only 3 input tables.


  Assume input shape file names are "name1.shp", "name2.shp",...; each input table has attributes named "ID" and "elevation". 1) Add a SHP Reader to read all shape files with "Single Merged Feature Type" option, expose "fme_feature_type" (holding shp file name) on "Feature Type Properties" dialog box.


  2) Use the BulkAttributeRenamer to rename "elevation" to value of "fme_feature_type" (i.e. shp file name) with these settings.   Rename: Selected Attributes   Selected Attributes: elevation   Action: Regular Expression Replace   Test To Find: .+


  (dot and plus symbol. It means one or more any characters)   String: fme_feature_type


3) Split feature flow into "name1" features and others with the Tester.


4) Merge all features with the FeatureMerger.   Requestor to Supplier Join On: "ID" to "ID"   Process Duplicate Suppliers: Yes  <-- important!


5) Expose renamed attributes (name1, name2, ...) with the AttributeExposer.



  • Contributor
  • November 28, 2013
Alternatively, the Aggregator (Group By: ID, Keep Input Attributes: Yes) can be used instead of the Tester and FeatureMerger. But the Aggregator will transform input points into multi-point features. If you don't need geometries in the destination dataset, the GeometryRemover can be used before aggregating.   The BulkAttributeRenamer approach is inspired from Ken's suggestion in this thread: Attribute renaming using attribute values

  • Author
  • November 28, 2013
Thanks Takashi,


As I am still working on FME 2010 (large organisations are  a bit slow sometimes) there is no BulkAttributeRenamer or even the AttributeExpressionRenamer that is mentioned by Ken in the link in your message :-(

  • Contributor
  • November 28, 2013
Unlucky... well, I would use the PythonCaller with this script. ----- import pyfme def renameAttribute(feature):     value = feature.getAttribute('elevation')     name = feature.getAttribute('fme_feature_type')     feature.setAttribute(name, value) -----   Small company can decide something quickly, but funds are insufficient...

  • Author
  • November 28, 2013
Again, many thanks Takashi!!


With the browser at home I can also see the workspace picture which I could not at work. I'll have a go at things the next few days but am sure this will do the trick.


Best regards, Uwe

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