Hi all,
I'm trying to create a workflow for creating LoD2 CityGML from a shapefile of building footprints (and forcing a height attribute) and I am struggling with few issues. I would like to have the buildings composed of wall, roof and floor surfaces but I haven't been able to work out how to compose the surfaces within a single building while also generating the relevant semantic feature types for these surfaces. I'm aiming for something similar to what I want is the LoD2 sample in CityGML 2.0 examples: http://schemas.opengis.net/citygml/examples/2.0/building/Building_LOD2-EPSG25832.gmlSo far, I am simply offsetting a the shapefile to create floor and roof geometries. I also generate a UUID for an gml_id (for the Building) which I thought I could reference from the roof and floor surfaces LoD2 features in order to nest them. However, upon running the workspace, it appears only the Building feature is written out and the RoofSurface and FloorSurface features are ignored.
Can anyone identify what I should be doing? Or point me to a relevant workspace for this? All the workspaces I have found in the forum are either for simple LoD 1 buildings (no roof/ wall semantics) or start from IFC.I have attached my workspace. Thanks