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Hello Everyone,


I have a polygon-feature Geodatabase that I need to be converted
into an ESRI GRID feature with 30m x 30m cell resolution. I really don't
need to transfer any cell values. I’ve tried using the suggestions at
this Knowledge Center article “Converting Vector data to Raster” but to no avail.


Currently I’ve tried the
AttributeCreator/ImageRasterizer/RasterBandSeparator transformer process
and then tried writing the result with a ESRI ASCII GRID Writer but the
process fails with an error message stating that the output cannot be
written to a raster because of an invalid format.


Thanks for any assistance,




- Craig

Hi @craig_thompson



If your polygons have values that you'd like to be the raster cell value, you could try this by extruding your polygons by the attribute that contains the value you're interested in (Extruder transformer).


If you add a NumericRasterizer after the Extruder, this will turn the extruded values into a raster, and you should be able to write this out as a grid.

Hi @craig_thompson



If your polygons have values that you'd like to be the raster cell value, you could try this by extruding your polygons by the attribute that contains the value you're interested in (Extruder transformer).


If you add a NumericRasterizer after the Extruder, this will turn the extruded values into a raster, and you should be able to write this out as a grid.
Hi @jlutherthomas



Evidently my resulting file is too big for the GEOTIFF format (approx 110 GB) so I'm re-running with the BigTIFF option selected.
Can you post the log here? That way we can see what the specific errors are. Also, when you say the article suggestions are "to no avail" what happens? Is there incorrect output, or an error message that prevents output being created?


With raster it's especially useful to send the data to the Data Inspector during a translation, and query the file properties (click and drag a section of raster in the display screen). But be sure to turn off background maps, else there will be a lot of reprojection going on, slowing the process tremendously.


Hi @jlutherthomas



Evidently my resulting file is too big for the GEOTIFF format (approx 110 GB) so I'm re-running with the BigTIFF option selected.
Are you able to tile your data or write it out as smaller chunks of data? A 110gb raster seems incredibly large and I can't imagine getting great performance with that.
