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According to the CityGML v2.0 standard, the recommended namespace prefix in case of Bridges class is "brid" When i'm using CityGML writer to output my model of Bridges, the inline definition of my CityGML profile contains the namespace and path to the .xsd schema file. In case of bridge the namespace writes :bridge", whereas in the case of other schema definition it contains the namespace prefix (tun for tunnel,bldg for building).

Could this be a problem with the GML writer?

Hi @alexvsn,

I can confirm your observation: It seems like we are using 'bridge' as the namespace. I filed a report for our developers to change it to 'brid' instead.


To my knowledge, this should not impact the validity of the CityGML file as long as the namespaces in the file are consistent. Does this cause any problems in your workflow?

Update: A new version of FME has implemented your suggestion and the namespace for bridges is now 'brid' in the CitylGML format. You can test the changes in 2018.1 beta:

Thank you for your answer Gerhard.

I can confirm that the schema validator finds it as a valid file in both cases.

In my case there were same problems at the client side when an import in a third party software was attempted (RhinoCity™️). With the "bridge" namespace the gml file was not imported.


Thank you for your answer Gerhard.

I can confirm that the schema validator finds it as a valid file in both cases.

In my case there were same problems at the client side when an import in a third party software was attempted (RhinoCity™️). With the "bridge" namespace the gml file was not imported.


Thanks for sharing! I will update my answer as soon as this has been addressed and the recommened namespace is used.


