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I am using the Esri ArcGIS Portal Feature Service writer to publish feature services to our ArcGIS Portal from an Oracle database. When we use ArcMap to do this it writes to ArcGIS Server, not ArcGIS Portal, and creates a link between the Oracle database and the feature service in ArcGIS Server. Then when the data changes in Oracle, those changes are reflected in ArcGIS Server. You can also write back to the database by putting the feature service on a map in ArcGIS Portal.

However, this is not the case with the FME Portal Feature Service. It creates a file geodatabase and a feature service from that geodatabase, but the link to the source Oracle database is broken. In ESRI terminology this is a "hosted service". Changes to the Oracle database are not pushed to the feature service.

Are there plans to make a Esri service that writes to ArcGIS Server and keeps the connection between the source database and the feature service? We would like to automate our publish process to ArcGIS Server, which is easiest to do using FME.


So you have Portal at the front end, reading data through ArcGIS Server, behind that you have Oracle database. In this case you are likely to be using Enterprise SDE and can use the SDE writers to update your data.

This is a good question! There is a reason why we can't publish to ArcGIS server referencing the data from the source and why it is published as a hosted layer to the ArcGIS Portal Data Store.


When you read your data into FME and do your data manipulation, you are no longer manipulating the data within your Oracle database since they have been converted into the FME native format for manipulation. Therefore, you can't publish it referencing the data using fme to portal since the data is no longer reading from the ArcSDE but from FME.

If you still want to use want to use FME to ETL your featureclass, I suggest you write the results back to your Oracle database and then publish a feature service (or map service) using arcgis (Arcmap or ArcGIS Pro) referencing this newly transformed data source location.
