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ArcGIS model vs FME job ... Different results

  • 25 May 2014
  • 1 reply

Has anyone ever noticed if the output from FME as opposed to an output from an ArcGIS model is more granular? Here's why I ask ... When I run an ArcGIS model that does an overlay of 3 polygon layers on a leases polygon layer the final output has about 11000 polygon records. When I do the same steps in FME using the AreaOnAreaOverlayer I end up with about 14000 polygon records. What's funny is the acreage total is about the same. I'm thinking the FME tools may be more literal in the way they do processing.



Any ideas off the top of your heads why this may be happening?




a probable explanantion could be that ArcGIS uses the tolerance and resolution of your feature classes for geoprocessing, whereas FME uses full precision. The practical implication is that the ArcGIS tools will collapse and delete features smaller than the the feature class tolerance, while FME will preserve them, no matter how small they are.



This is a well known source of differences between results. There are a quite a few posts here that deal with this matter.





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