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I’m having some problems with the 3D-bufferer. When I run the 3D-bufferer on some of my data sets I get the log error shown below.




The data sets consist of 2D lines created from coordinates through the vertex creator (the 2nd picture shows an example from the inspector). Some data sets work with the 3D-bufferer but many don’t. Any ideas what input could be causing these issues? Is it limited by a large number of features?



3DBufferer error message



2D Lines before 3DBufferer



Workspace with coordinate vertex creator in red box.



You could maybe run the features through the GeometryValidator before sending them to the bufferer? Although it sounds unlikely that there's anything wrong with them looking at the sample.



Is this the 3D Bufferer in the FME Store? If so, I'd suggest the only thing to do is try and debug it yourself. Looking at it quickly I can't see any obvious limits in any of the comments.


If it is valid data, it may be worth emailing Safe Support as this seems to be a Safe transformer.



