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I m trying to experiment "run a workspace in response to an incoming email, i have a problem with the IMAP configuration.

although i use the template (for gmail for instance) and enter my email address and password) 

my automation do not work 

i have this message :

809009 : : Failed to connect to email server. Please check IMAP settings, and ensure IMAP is enabled for the email account. Error message: gAUTHENTICATIONFAILED] Invalid credentials (Failure)

this is my configuration :


I authorize IMAP Access in gmail account parameters.

Mays someone help ?


Hi @pascalmortz​ ,


Gmail sometimes blocks FME Server as it treats it as an unknown device. Therefore if authentication is failing there are two options:


  1. Generate an App Password, you'll need to enable two step verification to do this.
  2. Add FME to your Gmail trusted apps by turning on 'less secure app access'



I have tried the two solutions


  1. I have generated an App password, after two-step validation of my Gmal account.
  2. So i changed the password in the automation/Email (Imap) task.
  3. i authorized IMAP access in my Gmail account, of course.
  4. but when i run the autmation, i still encounter problems :


809009 : : Failed to connect to email server. Please check IMAP settings, and ensure IMAP is enabled for the email account. Error message: :ALERT] Application-specific password required: (Failure)


I try the second solution :  'less secure app access'

in this case, tha automation is running well, no problem of authentification.

but when I send a mail with a ZIP attached, noting happened in the LOG file.


i dont understand.

