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Merging implicit parallelism in an automation ?


I have built an automation with some business logic consisting of 4 chained workspaces (W4). I duplicate this automation for each new dataset I need to run, using a single global variable to control the data being handled (SQL Server schema name).

However, one customer has 4 such setups, which gives me some problems when coordinating the 4 automation runs, and I would very much like to just have to run a single automation for each customer (with multiple schemas).

I’m thinking that I could use the global variable to define a separated text with all 4 schema names, using a single workspace to split this into 4 outputs via an Automation Writer feature type, and start my 4 workspace chain (W4) for each value.

However I’m unsure how to merge the 4 W4 runs. How will a Split-Merge block  (or Merge action) handle such runs ? The content inside the block is just the 4 chained workspaces, but they’re being run 4 times in parallel.

Has anyone attempted this, or have any insight into merging workspace in an automation being run multiple times ?


2 replies

Userlevel 2
Badge +25

And what if 2 runs succeeds and 2 runs fail ?

Userlevel 2
Badge +25

Here’s a screen dump of my current status. I’m stuck with the middle external action (FME Server Topic), which should only be activated once, but I can only filter by a fixed value, not by count.

